Sensory room installation for
Allied Health Clinics

As an allied health professional, you treat patients living with lifelong disability, neurodiversity or recent trauma. Those ongoing health difficulties can cause considerable stress for them and their families.

Put your allied health clinic on the map by installing a calming sensory room to support your patients.

According to the 2020-21 census, 47% of Australians live with one or more chronic health conditions. Other statistics show that 1 in 6 of us lives with a disability, while 1% are diagnosed with autism.

That’s a lot of people managing medications, therapy appointments, and difficulties in daily life. It’s hard.

Health conditions and stress

While your patient is probably coming to you for help with physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy or something similar, relieving stress could improve their ability to cope with the extra demands their condition places on their life.

A calming sensory room does that. It’s an important part of your allied health clinic’s interior design.

Sensory room installation for Allied Health Clinics
Health conditions and stress
Sensory room installation for Allied Health Clinics

Who benefits from a calming sensory room?

Calming sensory rooms benefit practically everyone. That includes the general population and those with particular health needs.
It means everyone who comes to your clinic – patients, families and staff – could benefit from a room to reset.

Learning disabilities

Improved self-awareness, social behaviour and communication skills.


Regulate emotions and develop communication and social skills.


Reduce sadness, fear and boredom. Increase happiness, enjoyment and relaxation.

Chronic pain

More successful than traditional relaxation techniques.

Mental health

Aid relaxation, ease distress and improve self-soothing ability.

What is a calming sensory room?

Sensory rooms are artfully created spaces that soothe and stimulate the senses for a therapeutic benefit. Our spaces blend art and science to create an immersive experience in a refreshing, multisensory environment.

A calming sensory room gives your patients and their families a much-needed room to reset (your staff will probably love it, too!).

Entering the sensory space feels like stepping into another world. It’s a dark, soothing, restful space that gently engages the senses. Rather than feeling overloaded by too much sensory input, your visitors feel soothed by just the right amount.

After their time in the room, your clients emerge feeling refreshed and ready to re-engage with everything you have to offer.

Benefits for allied health clinics

  • Establish a point of difference
  • Attract new clients
  • Soothe your patients
  • Create an enriching environment for staff
Case study

Cheeky Monkeys Occupational Therapy for Children in Charlestown, NSW, is delighted with their sensory room. Indeed, it’s brought them many new clients.

“I’m over the moon with it. It’s been a great investment. The proof is there. Every week, new people call up saying I’ve heard about the sensory room…”

They’ve noticed a difference in the children they work with, too. 

“They’re calmer, they’re more engaged… we haven’t had any meltdowns. Thank you to Creative Sensory Spaces for bringing so many smiles and so much wonder into every single day!”

Our installation process

At Creative Sensory Spaces, we work closely with you from concept to completion.

Consultation and assessment

In-depth analysis of your requirements and goals.


Collaboration with your team to identify sensory needs.

Design and planning

Customised sensory room designs that align with therapy objectives.


Inclusion of age-appropriate sensory elements.

Installation and set up

Professional installation of sensory equipment and features.


Thorough testing and quality assurance.

Training and support

Training sessions for therapists on maximising the benefits of the sensory room.


Ongoing support and maintenance services.

Ready to get started?

Creative Sensory Spaces is Australia’s leading expert in purpose-designed, inclusive, calming sensory spaces.

Our founder, Dr Bliss Cavanagh, completed her PhD on the topic and has led the installation of sensory rooms in health settings, schools and public venues across Australia. We have particular expertise in sensory rooms for neurodiversity, including people with autism or ADHD.

We’d love to help you elevate your allied health clinic to improve patient care.